Our Main Services


We support preventive healthcare by providing access to clean water supply and
Hygienic/Sanitation facilities in the communities. Holistic interventions are
planned to address twin challenges of affordability and accessibility in water &
sanitation facilities especially in rural and outreach areas.

Disaster Relief / Humanitarian Assistance

We help victims of natural calamities with relief intervention.
We believe it is our primary responsibility to help people in times of need

Education/Public Awareness

We believe every child has the right to learn and excel in his/her preferred field.
Therefore, opportunities should be made available to children to pursue
education. We aim to improve access to quality education through technology
as well as human support

Women Empowerment

We aim to promote gender equality in our society by undertaking various
initiatives to empower women and make them financially self-reliant.
Our endeavour is to raise the self-esteem of women and instil a sense of security
in them.

Agriculture & Livestock

Afghanistan has agriculture-based economy and we believe supporting agriculture
and livestock by modernizing it, increase the crops by vocational trainings to
farmers, irrigating lands, add value to products by hygiene advises to farmers,
increase exports by value chain development. Afghanistan has agriculture-based economy and we believe supporting agriculture
and livestock by modernizing it, increase the crops by vocational trainings to
farmers, irrigating lands, add value to products by hygiene advises to farmers,
increase exports by value chain development. 

Livili Hood

ECOH empowers communities by fostering sustainable livelihoods, providing economic opportunities, and enhancing financial resilience, ensuring a pathway out of poverty.

Climate Change

Addressing the impacts of climate change, ECOH implements initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, adaptation, and community resilience in the face of changing climate patterns.

Resilience Building

ECOH focuses on strengthening community resilience through capacity building, training, and infrastructure development, equipping individuals to withstand and recover from various challenges.

Emergency Response

Swift and effective emergency responses are a cornerstone of ECOH’s mission. We deploy resources and expertise to provide timely assistance during crises, ensuring the well-being of affected communities. BENEFICIAREIS SELECTION ,SURVEY AND VARIFICATION THROUGH SCOPE AND KOBO TOOLS KITS

ECOH is dedicated to enhancing economic opportunities and financial resilience for communities, fostering sustainable livelihoods to uplift individuals from poverty.

ECOH encourages community members to actively participate in decision-making processes.




Vulnerable Communities Focusing on marginalized and vulnerable populations, ECOH aims to address the specific needs of communities facing socio-economic challenges, displacement, or other vulnerabilities.




Low-Income Families By implementing livelihood support programs, ECOH targets low-income families to enhance economic opportunities, improve financial stability, and break the cycle of poverty.




Emergency-Affected Populations During crises and emergencies, ECOH focuses on populations in need of immediate assistance, deploying rapid response efforts to ensure the well-being of those affected.